Today was a great day. After celebrating my Birthday I got right back on the fatloss4idiots program. It was easy. I lost six more pounds this past week and a I feel great. No more crash dieting no more starving. I have to work just to eat all the food that this diet lets me.
I know its a werid concept but it works trust me. Its not about how much you eat but what kinds of foods your eating. Its about making sure that by using a CALORIE SHIFTING DIET like the Fatloss4idiots!you keep your metablolism guessing.
Once you have reached your goal weight what do you need to do maintian. Thats were my news letter comes in hadny. Its long term tips and tricks to help keep the weight off. Can you imagine support from someone that is going thorough the samething as you.
The second part of my TEN GOLDEN RULES TO HELP YOUR WEIGHT LOSS GOALS can be found here.
Golden Weight Loss Article Here!
Simple Weight Loss Plan Here!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Ten Golden Rules to help your Weight loss goals part two!!!!!
Posted by
Brandon Arthur
7:14 PM
Labels: eat what you want, fat loss, golden weight loss, skinny
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Weight Loss Goals
Today is my birthday and I just wanted you all to know. Its ok to have a great day to endulge a little in the foods that make you happy. Its a milestone no matter what age you make it too. To take a day off from your diet is up lifting its wonderful. It makes you feel like you desirve everything that will come your way when you reach your weight loss goals.
Its supposed to be a day that you celebrate the things in your life that you have accomplishe the goals that you have set out. Today I celebrate the weight that I have lost and the weight I will lose.
If your goal today is to start your journey thats great celebrate that. Make sure you have a great plan in place to help you accomplish this goal.
Simple Weight Loss Plan Here!
Posted by
Brandon Arthur
2:20 PM
Labels: fast, fat loss, goldon weight loss, journey, man boobs, simplem, weight loss
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Ten Golden Rules to help your weight loss goals Part One
During my life journey of safe weight loss struggles. I have found a few things along the way that have kept me focused and on track, I call them the golden rules of any diet plan. Staying to a plan is not easy but with a couple of small, SAFE WEIGHT LOSS rules you can help accelerate your weight loss. These are not just rules to lose weight but rules to live by, a complete lifestyle change. Following these rules will help you to get the weight off quickly and safely and keep the weight off for good. Say goodbye to the old you and say hello to the new hot you!
Ten Golden Rules to help your weight loss goals
1. Support of Friends and Family is the most important thing that you can have when starting and continuing any weight loss program. Let the people you care about and that care about you know your weight loss goals. They are more likely to jump on board to help rather than tempt you if they know your weight loss plans. If you have this support you have everything, these are the people that will give you encouragement when you’re feeling defeated
2. Breaking your daily food intake into five to six meals instead of three will be beneficial for your weight loss. Doing this will keep your metabolism high all day long making sure that your body doesn’t feel as though you are starving yourself and store food as fat.
3. Portion size is very important, throw out your scale for weighing food, you have the best tool at your fingertips! Use your fist as a guide, a clenched fist shows you how each portion should be at each of your six meals. A deck of cards also works the same way. This really works trust me.
4. Cold, water based liquids should be consumed with every meal. Ensure you are drinking cold, low calorie drinks, they keep you full, add water to your cells and help you burn calories because your body has to heat the water up to body temperature.
5. Using a calorie shifting method for eating keeps your metabolism on high gear, it helps to make sure that your body never gets used to a routine. It speeds up your fat loss and helps you keep on track by using foods you like in your diet plan.
Simple Weight Loss Plan Here!
Posted by
Brandon Arthur
10:45 PM
Labels: bell fat, man boobs, weight loss
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Diet For Idiots
There is alot of garbage out there for losing weight read a great article for losing weight fast and safe.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots!
Posted by
Brandon Arthur
9:31 AM
Labels: diet for idots, weight safely
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Weight loss story|weight loss safe
I want to share some of my weight loss moments that I had this week. I was having a very stress full week. I reached for a cheeseburger and almost broke my diet. Then I realized that I was trying to overcome a natural life concept. Satisfying my cravings. I decided to take a day off from the diet and have a cheeseburger. I felt guilty but realized that its ok to have a weak moment. That it didn't break my commetment to my weight loss goal. I am more commited to sticking to my diet and winning this fat war. I have all the from friends and families and people on my blog. With this diet and my will I will win and so can you.Fat Loss 4 Idiots!
Posted by
Brandon Arthur
9:30 PM