If you turn on your TV, or read a news paper, read a magazine or head down to your local grocery store you'll see "low fat" and "fat free" food items nearly everywhere you look. Madison Avenue has spent decades making money for companies by fooling the public in to believing that all you need to do is buy these products and POOF your weight issues will go away.
A gram of fat contains 9 calories, while a gram of protein or carbohydrate contains only 4. So if you compare equal quantities of two foods, one containing fat and the other fat-free, the fat-free food will have fewer calories. But it still has calories. Your weight gain or loss is directly related to calories taken in versus calorie burnt off.
For example the average person drinks 57 gallons of soda pop a year.
In a single 12 oz can of coke there are 160 calories and 42 grams of sugar and you guessed it no fat. Zero Nada but did you know if all you did was cut out pop and switch to water or low calorie drinks like Crystal Light you would lose weight. It's true your calorie intake would automatically go down and you would then start to lose weight. Couple it with a proper eating plan and presto you're at your goal weight.
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Simple Weight Loss Plan Here!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
The Golden Truth about "LOW FAT" aka the "LOW FAT SCAM"
Posted by
Brandon Arthur
7:28 PM
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