Monday, January 28, 2008

Lose weight fast and safe

The dismal statistics about diets indicate that 95% of them FAIL because people don’t know how to do lose weight safely. You willmanage to lose a little weight in the beginning of any weight loss diet, most of it little more than your body adjusting its water weight. After a period of time depending on your metabolism your body adjusts and the weight loss stops. Frustrated that the diet no longer works you over indulge on the things your body and mind have been depriving its self of.

Your body protects itself because it thinks you're starving it. When you resume normal eating habits your body stops burning off the food and stores it. “IN CASE YOU STARVE IT AGAIN” This is stored in the form of fat. Each time you do this your body has a harder time kick starting its metabolism again. You have to find a solution to shift your body into knowing you’re not going to starve it Click here to read about proper eating!

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